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New to Upney Baptist Church ?

It is great to see your interest in finding out about what we do on Sundays at Upney. We would love to see you come one Sunday but we realise it can be a daunting experience going to a church you may have never been to before. To help ease your concerns we have put together these few questions & answers to explain what we do on Sundays.

What time does the service start and how long should I expect it to last?

Our church services start at 11 am and we aim to finish by 12 pm (on a few occasions we do run a few minutes over but no more than 10 minutes).

What happens in the service?

We have a similar format in our services week by week. We have a few songs that we sing celebrating God and what He has done for us, we pray for events and for people in the church and these take up the first half of the service. The second half is the time where someone explains the Bible (God’s word) to us. As Christians, we believe the Bible is God speaking to us and we want to examine what the Bible says and what we are to do with it. Normally our Pastor does this part of the service most Sundays but occasionally we do have a guest speaker.

If I have any questions after the service, will I be able to ask someone for help to understand?

We want to be there to help people understand more of what we believe as Christians and you may have questions. After the service people stay for a while to talk which gives an easy point to talk to the person who was speaking about your questions.

Can I see any services you have done before?

We have a YouTube channel where we upload all our services. You can find them here at

If you have any further questions please do contact us on